Sunday, July 21, 2013

Problem Solving

In school I HATED word problems. I thought they were time consuming. I hated taking the time to read it, then go back and read it again and slowly figure it out. Many times I found myself guessing the answer because I was lazy. Now that I have grown up a bit, and I work in a school, I love problem solving. I personally think it is challenging and fun. As I help other students do word problems I see the same mind set in them that I once had in school. They hate taking the time to actually figure out how to do the problem. I feel like it is my job in school to help them figure out a way to make solving the word problems worth the time and effort. Also making it fun to solve.

What I have learned from problem solving is that it is a lot easier to work the problem out hands on. I describe it  by saying make the problem come ALIVE. I have learned to break up the problem into pieces and put the pieces together while solving it. I tell the students I work with to use a highlighter when first reading the problem and highlight the most important parts of the problem. I prefer to use visual aids to work through the problem. I think that is what is most helpful. If a problem is talking about people draw the people out. If the problem is talking about groups of different items draw the items or find something around you to sub for the groups like markers, pencils, or even game pieces.

The girl I work with now has trouble with math. I constantly get at her about making the word problems come alive. Even making non-word problems come alive works too. She seems to figure it out so much better. I love seeing a child work through a problem and watching that light bulb come on.

Although my method for problem solving is still a bit time consuming. I feel like the more a person does word problems with highlighting, using visuals, and making the problem come alive, the more a person will soon not have to do it hands on, and most likely they will be able to do it in their heads. I feel that word problems that relate to a child's life is more relevant and meaningful. A site I found helpful with the skills to problem solving is below.

Problem solving skills

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