Saturday, June 15, 2013

How do you memorize everything??

What is your username and password for your email, Facebook, bank accounts, school login, or even your answers to your security questions? What was your locker combination for school, as well as your locker for gym or extra curricular activities? What number stands for pi? Whats the formula for volume, area, or circumference? Need I say more?

 In today's world it is RIDICULOUS how much you need to remember to get through your day. It's almost impossible to remember all your usernames and passwords without some kind of cheat sheet with them all written down. But what about in school, having to remember multiple mathematical formulas to solve equations. Rarely do teachers pass out cheat sheets with formulas already written down for tests. Students are expected to remember a lot, and I mean A LOT of formulas throughout school. I don't understand how it is possible.

Many people including myself would probably say that students should just have to memorize essential formulas that are used in our daily lives, but who determines which formulas are essential to know, or which ones are more important?

In my math class that I am currently taking we are learning to not so much memorize formulas, but to understand why we would use a certain formula and how it works. Doing that helps to understand and REMEMBER the formula needed. But in reality they still need to be memorized then, and that is extremely difficult, unless your a genius or something. So the questions stands how is one supposed to memorized everything?

More thoughts go to the following link. Memorizing Formulas

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